INSET Day on Friday 25th Oct. Clubs this week. Swimming lessons for Botallack on Wednesday. The pond is starting to take shape with grass starting to sprout. Click on the 'Projects' box to see the latest projects in school.


At Indian Queens School, the teaching and learning of mathematics is a high priority as we recognise it as an essential skill for life. Children get off to a flying start in our nursery setting with maths embedded into daily routines and the learning environment. Continuous provision is structured and supported with purposeful resources and learning is carefully sequenced to provide firm foundations before progressing into Reception. 


The mathematics curriculum in Early Years delivers a balance between child initiated and teacher directed activities. Children access mathematics provision within both the indoor and outdoor areas. This enables children to develop interests around mathematics during child-initiated play.

Our children are taught through a mastery curriculum, covering the three main areas of the National Curriculum:

  • Fluency
  • Reasoning  
  • Problem Solving
We ensure that all of our children develop a deep and sustainable understanding of mathematical concepts through a maths curriculum which promotes a rich understanding of mathematical concepts taught in small steps in a systematic way. The planning of maths across the school follows the White Rose Maths curriculum overview.

Following the introduction of the Mathematical Guidance for Key Stage One and Two, we have adapted the long term plans to ensure that children are prepared and ready to progress in their mathematical understanding for their appropriate age and year group.



We are part of the Developing Teaching for Mastery programme through the Cornwall and West Devon Maths hub and have access to a Mastery Specialist and SLE as part of the Aspire Trust.

Our mastery curriculum is designed to allow children to develop a deep understanding of mathematics, building on prior learning.  Children have opportunities to revisit prior learning and develop their understanding of the relationships within and structure of mathematics.
The long term overviews are planned for each year group, though these may be adapted if required to ensure that children have a better understanding of each concept.
Calculation Policy
The school calculation policy demonstrates the way in which mathematics is taught across the school so that children gain a deeper understanding of the subject. The policy is in line with the White Rose schemes of work to ensure consistent imagery and resource use throughout the school.
Useful Links
The following links may be useful for pupils, parents and carers:
NSPCC Number Day 2024
Indian Queens Primary School took part in the NSPCC Number Day 2024 and raised money for the charity by dressing with numbers and patterns. The children completed different mathematical challenges and solved puzzles and problems. Key Stage 2 children also took part in the NSPCC Rocks, Times Tables Rock Stars national competition, competing with children from all across the UK.
The day managed to raise £253.95 for the NSPCC through such a fun day of mathematics.

Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery. All rights reserved. 2024