INSET Day on Friday 25th Oct. Clubs this week. Swimming lessons for Botallack on Wednesday. The pond is starting to take shape with grass starting to sprout. Click on the 'Projects' box to see the latest projects in school.

School Uniform

School uniform plays a vital role in promoting the ethos of a school, providing a sense of belonging and identity and setting an appropriate tone for education.  By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can also act as a social leveller.

The “Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021” states that all stipulated school uniform items must be affordable for all and any branded items, purchased through uniform suppliers, offer value for money.  This statutory guidance came into effect in September 2022.

The Aspire Uniform Policy, formed in part by parent/pupil voice, ensures each individual uniform offering across the trust is in line with this legislation and helps maintain the balance between affordability and upholding of school ethos and identity.

The Indian Queens Primary School uniform comprises: 

  • Grey/black trousers or skirts
  • Royal blue jumpers or cardigans (school logo optional)
  • White shirt/polo shirt

Blue/white checked dresses (may be worn in the summer)

Other colour tops or any clothing with logos (other than the school logo) are not permitted. All children (with the exception of nursery children) are expected to wear school uniform and will be asked to explain if they are not wearing it. We appreciate your help in ensuring that your child is suitably dressed for work! 

All footwear should be black in colour and well fitting (shoes not trainers). Heavy boots, high heels, platform shoes, flimsy sandals etc can all cause problems when children run around at playtime or sit together on the floor. Please consider this when choosing your child’s footwear.


Hair which is shoulder length or longer (i.e. it can be tied back) should be tied back at all times. Headwear should be kept to a minimum (unless worn for religious reasons). Very ornate or fancy scarves and decoration should not be worn as they can be a distraction to the child and others around them and this can get in the way of their work. For similar reasons, children should not have radical hairstyles, this would include gel spiked hair or strongly coloured hair. 


Children require a pair of black shorts, a plain white T-shirt and black plimsolls/trainers for PE. Track suit bottoms may be worn during winter months for outdoor PE but should not replace shorts. These named items should be kept in a named PE bag in school, and available at all times.



The only items of jewellery permitted are two plain gold or silver ear studs (plain and small). No face jewellery is permitted.  An inexpensive watch may also be worn as long as the wearer can make use of it (i.e. tell the time!). Rings, chains, bracelets and necklaces should not be worn, as they can be a hazard in practical subjects. Furthermore, the loss of any of these items can cause a child considerable distress and be extremely time consuming when attempting to resolve the issue. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of personal items brought into school.

Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery
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