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Religious Education

Religious  education  enables  children  to  investigate  and  reflect  on  some  of  the  most fundamental and awe-inspiring questions asked by people since the beginning of time. At Indian Queens Primary School, we develop the children’s knowledge  and  understanding  of  the  major  faiths,  and  address  fundamental  questions which are discussed and reflected upon. Children develop  their  own  spiritual  knowledge  and  understanding in a supportive and open environment.
RE in the Early Years starts in Nursery where children develop their personal, social and emotional understanding. They learn about themselves, their families and differences between themselves and their peers. A secure knowledge of the prime area of learning, PSED, supports understanding within Religious Education during the journey throughout school. In the Early Years RE is taught through the subject area of 'Understanding Of The World' and through topic enhancements such as our topic of "How Do We Celebrate?". 

INTENT : At Indian Queens religious education should inspire, engage, and challenge pupils. Through RE teaching, children will have a chance to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental and awe-inspiring questions asked by people since the beginning of time.

We are not a faith school, but we value our children's moral and spiritual development. Above all, we aim to develop our children as respectful, tolerant and questioning citizens of the world.

Our curriculum is based upon the 2020 Cornwall Agreed Syllabus. We use the RE today planning scheme to ensure progression from EYFS to Year 6. As much as possible, we use a hands-on approach to inspire our learners.

We are lucky to have visits from Marten Holmes and the Open the Book team to tell our children stories from the Bible.

Children may be withdrawn from RE and assemblies on religious grounds, at parental request. Should you wish to discuss this, please inform the Head of School in writing, and we will arrange a meeting to discuss the request.


How to help your child at home: 

BBC Bitesize is a fantastic resource which provides you with videos and interactive games to support the learning of RE. Religious Studies - BBC Bitesize

RE involves a lot of discussion based learning. Therefore, you could support your child by engaging in discussions where they are able to express their opinion and listen to the different viewpoints of others.

How to help your child at home

Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery
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