At Indian Queens School we believe that the learning of foreign languages provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps them to develop communication skills - including key skills of speaking and listening and extends their knowledge of how language works. Learning other languages gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own culture and values as well as those of others.
Cross Curricular Links
Learning another language presents opportunities for the reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other curriculum areas. These opportunities can be exploited through aspects of:
- English: Development of speaking and listening skills, knowledge and understanding of grammar and sentence construction. Opportunities to compare the foreign language with English or another language can be exploited through use of the new alphabet, phonemes, rhyming patterns, sound/ spelling links, dictionary work, formation of structures (e.g. singular/ plural, gender, negatives, question forms, position of adjectives, imperatives), intonation, dialogues, poetry, different text types and formation of complex sentences.
- ICT: Materials from the internet and satellite television, video and audio, presentation of data, word processing, easy speak microphones.
- Citizenship: The multilingual society, knowledge of other countries and cultures.
- Maths: Counting, calculations, money, time and date etc.
- Geography: Work related to studying other countries, weather.
- Science: Parts of the body, animals.
- Music: Rhyming, rhythm, singing, composition and world music.
- RE: Celebration of festivals, storytelling, calendars, customs, international and multicultural work.
- History: Study of the history of other countries.
-Art: Colours, artists from around the world, descriptions of paintings.
-PE: Physical responses to the teachers instructions issued in the language being learnt.
The children are assessed by the language specialist who currently leads the weekly MFL sessions. This is done informally during the lessons to inform future planning. Children also carry out self-assessments to see and monitor the progress that they are making in the language. We assess listening, speaking, talking to somebody, reading and writing.