Minack swimming on Wednesdays and Tintagel on Fridays. Well done to everyone for starting a new term so well. The pond is filling up thanks to all the rain! Click on the 'Projects' box to see the latest projects in school.

Physical Education

Intent statement:

  •          At Indian Queens School, we strive to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE, encourage each other and achieve.
  •          We offer a Dynamic, varied and stimulating fully inclusive PE curriculum.
  •          Children are taught life skills through out school values.
  •          Children are taught fair play, honesty and good sporting behaviour during competition.
Through PE, we teach children about the importance of healthy living and learning about the need for good nutrition.
Useful websites for Pupils and Parents/Carers



Physical development is a prime area and entwined across the Early Years curriculum. Gross motor skills and Fine motor skills are central to the development of lots of the specific areas of learning. Our aim is to teach and support the development of these skills throughout the year.  



Weekly P.E lesson 

Dough Disco 


Effects of exercise on our bodies 

Keeping healthy/Healthy eating.  



Children have access to a movement play area to develop gross motor skills, and practise learned skills from P.E.  

Small construction sets indoors for fine motor skills. Large construction outdoor. Children create obstacle courses, build large creations developing gross motor skills.  

Bikes, including those with peddles, balance bikes and scooters.  

Throwing and catching, aiming, bats and balls.  


Skills: Gross and Fine motor skills. Balance. Coordination. Spatial awareness.   


Vocab: Language of movement such as: jump, run, walk, crawl, jog, fast, slow.  

PE curriculum maps from Reception to Year 6
My Personal Best

My Personal Best.  

A whole school approach to teaching and learning in PE, where life skills and values such as co-operation, responsibility and resilience are taught explicitly through PE. It explores these life skills practically, helping children to recognise and transfer them to other lessons, to life and to their wider environment at home. 

The Cornish Pirates
As a school we take part in the Daily Mile up to 3 times a week - this is 15 minutes of jogging or running.
The children know that physical activity helps the brain to learn, and the fresh air and movement makes us all feel better.
'I get to run and laugh with my friends' - Toby Year 1
'It's good for my body and my brain' - Harrison Year 1
The children run to celebrate all the positive benefits that physical activity has on children's health. 
For more information about how important exercise is for physical and mental health, please visit
Sporting Success!
Well done to the children who participated in the Commonwealth games at Newquay Treviglas!!
Well done to the children who went to Bodmin to take part in the girls festival. The children were mixed into teams and made lots of new friends whilst having fun. 
Athlete Day with Jessica Roper

Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery
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