Thanks to everyone for a great first few days back. The pond is starting to take shape. Click on the 'Projects' box to see the latest projects in school.

Reception Overview

Our Mission Statement:
Nurturing A Love For Learning That Will Last A Lifetime 
Welcome to Gwithian and Hemmick Class!
Welcome to the Reception section where you can find out about the children's learning. 
Reception is a very important year for learning new skills and Reception are key to setting a firm base to build future learning upon.
Reception is taught by Miss Fox and Miss Norris with the support from; Mrs Firth, Mrs Yonetci and Mrs Mann
Our class names are Gwithian and Hemmick and we are located in a purpose built Reception block of the school. 
Please click on the menu to the left to find out more about the learning in each topic.
Topic 1 Autumn1 - 
Where Will We Go?
Autumn 2
Spring term 
Forest Fridays! 
Summer Term
Useful information:

Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery. All rights reserved. 2024